Reworked the animation and character blueprints for Ludo to ensure that the transitions between his animations are smooth and that he performs the right animations at the right times, in addition to troubleshooting minor animation issues.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Friday, July 9, 2021
Labyrinth VR - Summer Sprint 4 Contributions
Added additional dialogue to the first door knocker, and animated most of the second knocker's dialogue. Ensured that the second knocker was capable of being imported to UE4, and troubleshot various minor issues with the rig.
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Common Art - Lighting Practice
My team is 4 - Labyrinth / I am lighting team 1 - Grave of the Fireflies' scene.
My reference:
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Labyrinth VR - Summer Sprint 3 Contributions
Tackled getting the door knocker's skeletal mesh and animations into UE4, which took a considerably longer time than expected due to an issue with Unreal finding multiple roots in the skeletal mesh, despite the fact that there was only one. After much trial and error, I discovered the problem to be from the way the meshes were set up - the main part of its face was a parent of 3 other meshes - once I separated them and isolated the main mesh, Unreal stopped claiming multiple roots.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Labyrinth VR - Summer Sprint 2 Contributions
Reimported the updated Ludo into unreal, spent some time tweaking and improving his animations in maya as well as fixing various issues in the his animBP. Looking to start animating the 2nd door knocker this coming week as the model/rig is finished and sent my way. Past that, I'll be looking for ways in which I can help the rest of the team with the remainder of the project.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Labyrinth VR - Summer Sprint 1 Contributions
Took the new and improved Ludo model, added more bones for his new moving parts, and re-skinned him. Waiting for model/rig of 2nd door knocker to be completed before starting on its animations, hope to start working on it during sprint 2/3.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Labyrinth VR - Sprint 5 contributions
Re-skinned Ludo's new model and tweaked the state machines to fix various transition issues.
Finished the Door knocker's dialogue animations
Labyrinth VR - Summer Sprint 5 Contributions
Reworked the animation and character blueprints for Ludo to ensure that the transitions between his animations are smooth and that he perfo...
Reworked the animation and character blueprints for Ludo to ensure that the transitions between his animations are smooth and that he perfo...
Added additional dialogue to the first door knocker, and animated most of the second knocker's dialogue. Ensured that the second knocke...